Tired Wheel Deal III: Bridgestone MB-1
During my regular commute home through the mean streets of a somewhat large city close to Canada, I saw a bike leaning against a tree. Noticing it was unlocked, i naturally slowed to see if it was (a) abandoned and (b) worth claiming. This was certainly both: the MB-1 was the top of the line mountain bike made by Bridgestone, and I would guess this model was from 1993 or 1994.
For those with scruples, rest assured I did my due diligence trying to return this obviously stolen and disgarded bike to its rightful owner (While I was immediately suspicious that I was looking at a stolen bike, the 27" wheel forced onto the fork really sealed the deal). However, I was unsuccessful, and thus found myself in an awkward position: I was in possession of a bike I was unwilling to sell (I didn't feel right selling a stolen bike, yes, that was part of it, but also, my covetous nature made me reluctant to part with a bike of such storied lore). And, being unwilling to sell it, I found myself also unable to ride it, since it was far too small (I am similar to this gentleman in height).